Thursday, September 3, 2009

RJA #3a: Exploring Research Topic

I started my research with a wikipedia search for partiot act. I went to the bottom of the page and found several websites that could help further my research. Included in the websites that I bookmarked into my delecious account were a website that had the full text of the patriot act and I found the full text for the FISA Act as well. I then went to google and searched for blogs using the keyword "patriot act" and came across several blogs that suit my topic. I entered one and began reading only to find new information that I was unaware of previously. The government had created an act to modify the patriot act in 2003 called the SAFE Act which could give me more information on my eventual topic. It is clear to me that most of these blogs I have found via Blogger concerning the patriot act are several years old but do have some value still with links to other websites that could aid in my research. I stumbled upon a website called and found recent news reports covering the patriot and fisa acts. I am happy that I found somewhere where I can find current information regarding the issues in the patriot act. Reading through some of the informaton on the epic website I learned that there was a relatively recent update to the FISA act which is called the Protect America Act of 2007 that will need to be researched as well.

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