Thursday, September 17, 2009

RJA #5a: Finding Reference Articles

Author : Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr., and Rebecca Valentine. Ed. Lawrence W. Baker and Sarah Hermsen

Title: Civil Liberties vs. Civil Defense

Title of reference work: U*X*L Encyclopedia of U.S. History

Place of publication: Detroit

Name of publisher: Gale, Cengage Learning

Date of publication: 2009

Page Numbers: 291-297

Found on: 09-17-09

Started off in the auraria online library, went to gale virtual reference library and found the article there.

Author: Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr., and Rebecca Valentine. Ed. Lawrence W. Baker and Sarah Hermsen


Title of reference work: U*X*L Encyclopedia of U.S. History

Place of publication: Detroit

Name of publisher: Gale, Cengage Learning

Date of publication: 2009

Page Numbers: 1618-1622

I found a list of linked articles at the bottom of the civil liberties vs civil defense page for this article.

Resource searched: Gail virtual reference library

Keywords used: patriot act

Search strategies used: none
Date of search: 09-17-09

Number of hits: 118

Relevance of hits: 3

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