Friday, November 20, 2009

RJA #13a: Field Research Report

For my field research I conducted a poll on what people think about the government wiretapping. I new that I needed to be as vague as possible and give as little information as possible when asking the question in order to remove any bias I may give. I started with the contacts in my phone and figured I would just text the message " wiretapping by the government, how do you feel about it?" to all and let the results pour in.
From the start it was a dead heat. I had a few people call me and ask situational information before they would answer, and I told them that I would give them all the information they needed after they answered. I had an understanding that if I told them that the majority of wiretapping cases involved suspicion of terrorism, mob activities and drug trafficking, than they would all answer in the affirmative. So at the end of the phone portion, my results tallied 18 for wiretapping and 15 against wiretapping.
The next step was to take the poll out into the field. I am a surveyor who visits an average of three active construction sites per day. From time to time people would come to me asking me to do something for them and I would reply that I would if they answered an anonymous question I had for them. They all did and my results showed that for the most part, they were for wiretapping 12-8.
All in all I think it was a successful poll in which I gathered valuable information and sparked debate amongst those who I asked in a group. I learned that those who had been convicted of a crime were much more likely to be against the issue, one in particular stated that they sometimes see the satellites tracking him in the sky.

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