Friday, November 27, 2009

RJA #14: Annotated Bibliography, Part 2

Harr, Scott, and Karen Hess. Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System. Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth, 2008. Print.

This is a book that I use for some classes I take for research purposes. The book focuses on criminal justice issues particularly focusing on the bill of rights.

I believe Harr and Hess to be credible sources and trust what they write in their books. Furthermore their books are widely used studying in college criminal justice courses. Scott Harr is the chair of the criminal justice program at Concordia University in Minnesota. He has multiple licenses to be a law enforcement officer as well as a lawyer.

I used this source because I wanted to get a more summarized approach to the Fourth Amendment. This book not only stated the word for word lettering of the Amendment, but also cited cases like the Katz case when explaining it.

Justice Stewart, Potter. "Katz v. United States." OYEZ U.S. Supreme Court Media, 1967. Web. 17 Nov. 2009.

This website is dedicated to the cases heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. This page gives a summary of the case as well as the decision and why the Justices voted the way they did.

I consider this website to be trustworthy and truthful because it is run by the U.S. Supreme Court. Furthermore the opinion given was posted by one of the Justices, so there is no reason why I should not trust what they are stating.

I used this website to gather information on one of the main court cases that determined the basis of legality of wiretapping. I cited the case of Katz v. U.S.

"National Security Letters." American Civil Liberties Union N.p., 30 Nov. 2005. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. .

This website is run by the ACLU which is this countries premiere watchdog organisation. Their staffing includes more lawyers and people who know about the constitution than any other civilian organization.

I believe that the ACLU is trustworthy to an extent meaning that they have one purpose only and that is to challenge rulings that come from the Supreme Court and challenge the constitutionality of laws, acts, and bills passed by the legislatures. The goal of this source is to inform the public as to what is happening in any current legal situation.

I used this site to gain information on NSL's because it is a valuable tool that our government uses to gain intelligence and is at issue because many think that these letters violate the citizens civil liberties.

"National Security Letters." Electronic Privacy Information Center, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2009.

Epic is a website who's goal is to research privacy rights issues concerning civil liberties. It has a variety of topics but all of them deal with the constitutionality of laws enacted.

I consider this source to be valid and informative. The website publishes e-mail and newsletters and even books relating to civil liberties. The organisation has also won many awards .

The information gained from this website was used in my paper to give information on national security letters. The web page provided many articles and news stories regarding the NSL's but I declined to use them because I already got the information I sought.

Samixxx. I Hear You. Photobucket. Web. Web. 20 Nov. 2009.

Photo bucket is a website where the public can post pictures and store pictures that they have taken for an extended period of time. The site allows a user to look or show their pictures to anyone using any computer.

I consider this source to be somewhat trustworthy. I am not sure that he or she in fact made the picture through photo shop or similar means but no credit is given to where they found it. Furthermore, I found the rest of the pictures that this person submitted to be pictures of various tattoos on bodies, making the belief that this person created the image even more implausible.

I used this picture in my paper because I thought it fit well with my topic and in particular the section where I was talking about wiretapping.

"Spies, Lies and FISA." Editorial. New York Times 14 Oct. 2007. Web. 6 Nov. 2009

This website is run by the New York Times newspaper and the web page is from the editorial section. The organisation provides information on anything current and newsworthy.

I believe this website to be reputable for the most part. I believe they are truthful in the things they say however their information could easily be leaning to ward the liberal point of view. I believe that it is general knowledge that they only provide information that would benefit leftists. Therefore when judging the information to be valid I believe that there is truth to what they are saying but untruths as well because they are only publicizing one side of the story.

I used this newspaper to gather information on one of my subtopics, FISA. I got what I wanted which was valuable information to be used in my paper.

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