Thursday, October 29, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #10b

Research question: Should the federal government be permitted to spy on its own citizens using wiretaps and hacking into e-mails?

Answer/thesis/claim: The Government should be permitted to eavesdrop on electronic transfers of information whether it be telephone, text or e-mails.

Ethos: Most of the information that will be presented will be of my opinion made from researching different acts and laws constructed by state and federal legislatures. I also am a Senior majoring in Criminal Justice/Criminology and have prior information obtained on the subject.

Pathos: Nobody wants to be a victim of a crime, I will explain how this benefits them as a common citizen.

Logos: If this wasn't being done, hundreds if not thousands of Americans would have been seriously injured or dead because the government wasn't allowed to eavesdrop on calls or monitor e-mails of people in this country, citizens and non-citizens.

Reason 1: Recently, there was a suspected terrorist arrested in Boston that was planning on attacking a local mall, killing as many innocent bystandards as possible.
- warrant - The government would not have known about this without information gained from reading e-mails from the alleged perpitrator.
- evidence 1 - subjects laptop was taken into custody when federal agents searched the subjects dwelling.

Reason 2: It is in the name of national security, that includes protecting you
- warrant - If you have done nothing wrong, you shouldn't have to worry.
- evidence 1 - If somehow you are are mistaken for a threat for national security, they have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt to your peers.

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