Monday, October 5, 2009

RJA #7a: Internet Research Tools

When conducting research for a topic on the internet I use a few websites. Google, Yahoo and are the ones I use to do general research on but to get more academic and reliable information I use the Auraria Library Online to find articles, books and so on.

What I like the most about Google, Yahoo and ask is that they give me a general idea about my topic and what information is out there. Generally if I get allot of hits on my topic on one of these sites than I know that I should not have a problem conducting more intensive research. What I don't like about these websites is that sometimes the information they give out is untrustworthy and biased.

What I like about searching the Auraria Library Online is that you can search multiple databases for information and generally trust what you are finding is reliable. What I don't like about it is that sometimes it is that the databases are so vast that information you are looking for is buried in similar articles or books. Another thing I don't like is that searching itself can be complicated but the more I use it, the better I am at finding the pertinent information.

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