Thursday, October 29, 2009

RJA #11a: Introduction

The events of September 11th changed things drastically for the way we think about security in the United States. Before we considered ourselves relatively safe from attack because we are separated by two oceans from the rest of the world. The post 9/11 United States has made drastic efforts to ensure safety to its citizens and one of the ways the federal government is doing so is through electronic surveillance. Technology has provided us ways to communicate faster and better than ever before, however with these advancements enemies of the U.S. have been able to use them as well in order to accomplish their goals. Therefore, with ever evolving tactics being used against America, the government needs to evolve as well sometimes spying on its own citizens in order to protect itself. Civil rights groups, mainly the ACLU, say that domestic spying is unconstitutional. However it is my position that the government should be allowed to eavesdrop on electronic transfers of information whether it be telephone, text or e-mails in order to better protect its citizens.


  1. I like your introduction. It gives sufficient information and in a catching format, therefore serving its purpose of catching your audiences attention. I’ll be looking forward to your argument!

  2. I know its a little late, but I agree with Sofia, you give good information and it catches the readers attention.
